West Ham Till I Die
Parish Notice

Changes to the Commenting System

A few minutes ago we deployed an updated commenting system to the site, which I hope takes into account many of the points you have made to us since the new design was launched nearly a month ago.

We’ve ditched the two stage launching system and the separate page for comments. They now appear on the post page itself, but in reverse order, so the newest comment always appears at the top of the thread rather than at the bottom. They are still in real time but we have now got rid of the annoying judder which took you to wherever the latest comment appeared.

Here’s a summary of what’s changed and how to get the best out of the site…

1. Comments are now sorted newest at the top. Nested replies are still sorted newest at the bottom.

2. Only shows the newest 20 root comments (plus replies) by default, so the page should feel snappier, especially on mobiles and tablets. There is a button at the bottom to load additional batches of 20 etc…

3. Mobile optimisation – comments should now be perfectly accessible whether you’re using desktop/laptop, tablet or phone.

4. No more page jump – new comments are inserted into the page in realtime but if the position of the comment would be out of your current viewport, they are inserted as hidden and are only slid into view when you actually scroll to them.

5. Live notifications ‘tray’ in the bottom right hand corner – any comments which are inserted out of your current viewport (i.e. which you otherwise wouldn’t know about) will auto appear in the little tray in the bottom right corner of the screen (excluding mobile). It will show an excerpt of each new/unread comment. Click a comment and you’ll auto scroll to it, thereby sliding it into view and removing from the drawer.

So you can safely leave the thread open during the match, go away and come back and not miss anything!

Let us know of any teething problems please.

About us

West Ham Till I Die is a website and blog designed for supporters of West Ham United to discuss the club, its fortunes and prospects. It is operated and hosted by West Ham season ticket holder, LBC radio presenter and political commentator Iain Dale.

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Iain Dale, WHTID, PO Box 663, Tunbridge Wells, TN9 9RZ

Visit iaindale.com, Iain Dale’s personal website & blog.

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